
Undertone (2010) Sidney Leoni

Undertone is a choreography that focuses on the potentials of sensory perception of the audience. Stemming from the interest to challenge spectatorship and destabilize the convention of watching performance, Undertone invites the audience to participate in an orchestration of fictional spaces. The performance prioritizes mechanisms of perception other than vision by proposing an immersive experience of different kinds of stimuli. In Undertone, the body of the audience members is considered in all its potentiality to sense and navigate within an environment composed of a large spectrum of sensory movements such as tastes, sounds, smells, temperature fluctuations, touches, and ephemeral scenographies. 

Concept and choreography Sidney Leoni
Developed together and performed with Marcus Doverud, Manon Santkin, Luís Miguel Félix, Andros-Zins Browne, Guillem Mont de Palol and Sandy Williams. Sound designer Peter Lenaerts 
Technique Nick Symons 
Perfumer Laurent David Garnier 
Production management Andreas Skjönberg 
Funded by Konstnärsnämnden, the Swedish Arts Grant Committee 
Supported by Cullberg Ballet; Jardin d´Europe; 4Culture Association -Explore Dance Festival, Bucharest; Tanzhaus nrw Düsserdolf; Tanz Im August/Sommer.bar, Berlin; Weld, Stockholm; Danshögskolan, University College of Dance, Stockholm. Culture Programme of The European Union.